Wednesday, November 25, 2009

DHTML Wonders

We can do a lot of things using DHTML
follow the below url for wonderful code and demos

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

IFrames and cross-domain communication

Wow..We can communicate with different domains which are in same page using javascript

Click on the following URL for solution

Monday, November 23, 2009

JavaScript list of Files in Folder

var folderspec="C:\\msa"
var fso, f, f1, fc, s;
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec);
fc = new Enumerator(f.files);
s = "";
for (; !fc.atEnd(); fc.moveNext())
s += fc.item();
s += "


Change the Status of a Control in Threading

public static void SetBtnStatus(bool status, Button btn_Status)
if (btn_Status.InvokeRequired)
new MethodInvoker(
delegate() { SetBtnStatus(status, btn_Status); }));
btn_Status.Enabled = status;

ViewSource of an URL

using System.Net;

public string getURLSource(string strUrl)
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
byte[] reqHTML;
reqHTML = webClient.DownloadData(strUrl);
UTF8Encoding objUTF8 = new UTF8Encoding();
string str = objUTF8.GetString(reqHTML);
return str;